Friday, May 13, 2011

Interview with Book Love Blog

Book Love Blog is pleased to be interviewing Courtney Conant, author of The Blood Moon of Winter.

Book Love Blog: What would you like to tell my readers about your book?
Courtney Conant: It’s a paranormal fantasy with a romantic side. It’s written with all adult readers in mind, not just men or women, but both.  It verges on being acceptable for YA readers, but for one chapter, it would be.

BLB: The Blood Moon of Winter has such unique paranormal elements. What was your inspiration?
CC: My mind and my characters were my inspiration. I didn’t plan or plot anything. I sat down and started writing and let the words flow. I refused to allow myself to think about what I was putting on the pages. If I thought too hard while working, I would lose where the story was going. When that happened, I would have to stop and do something else for awhile. I’d go back to the book with an open mind and just pick back up where I left off and lose myself in the story. I let the characters write themselves.

BLB: I love a girl that enjoys a good cup of coffee and a book. Is Lilyana based on you or someone you know?
CC: I didn’t realize until after I had written Lily up that she is loosely based on me. The only real difference between our personalities is that I love to watch anime in my spare time too, not just read…

BLB: The Blood Moon of Winter left with such a cliffhanger. I am assuming there will be a sequel?
CC: I’m currently working on the sequel, Beyond the Known Horizon, right now along with a short story that will be coming out in the next couple of months (still untitled). Book Two picks up right where Book One left off. In the sequel, the reader gets to follow both Lily AND Jason, not just Lily anymore.

BLB: I’m sure you get asked this all the time, but what made you decide to self-publish your novel and go the indie route?
I was told my many agents and a couple of publishers that the concept of my novel was great and that they would love to take it on but that it was too short for the genre’s standards. I attempted to make it longer and to have it fit into what they deemed necessary. Each attempt messed with how I wanted to story to be. No matter what I tried, I didn’t like the results.

After several attempts, I decided that it wasn’t worth it. If I did what they wanted me to, I wouldn’t be happy with how it turned out. That’s when I chose to just go it alone and publish it myself. I’m so glad that I did because I got what I wanted, being published, and I’m happy with the story as well.

Read the entire interview here.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Recently I did a radio interview with the ladies from ParaYourNormal. It was a lot of fun. Just press play to find out more.

Listen to internet radio with ParaYourNormal on Blog Talk Radio

Monday, April 4, 2011

Interview with ParaYourNormal

Hey everybody! Welcome back to another ParaYourNormal author interview. Today we are talking with Courtney Conant, author of The Blood Moon of Winter. This is a page turning, paranormal/fantasy romance that we're sure  you're going to love.

Courtney is feeling generous with her book and is giving away four eBook copies to some lucky people who leave us a comment. Make sure you leave your email address at the end of your comment so we know how to reach you to deliver your prize. Now, for the interview.


PYN: What inspired you to start writing?
CC: I started reading around the age of 3. I guess I figured that if someone else could do it, so could I. I couldn't resist, as I had a very active imagination. Writing is just something I’ve always done (except when dealing with writer’s block…) and always will do.

PYN: What is your creative process like, do you have goals per day, or do you write when you’re inspired?
CC:There doesn’t seem to be much of a process. The only thing that I require is a comfy seat, candy and a good bottle of wine. If I’m comfortable, then I know I can relax and let the words flow naturally as opposed to trying to force them out just to meet a word count goal.

PYN: Do you reward yourself when you meet word count or chapter goals?
CC: When I was writing The Blood Moon of Winter, I promised myself that if I could finish it, then I could do anything. My goal was to finish the book and then move on to my next goal in life. I had always wanted to run a half marathon but never did. I always put it off. My treat to myself was to achieve that next goal. As soon as I finished the book, I started training and a month later, I succeeded in running 13.1 miles.  I know it seems like a strange treat, but it was a big one for me!

PYN: What inspired the storyline of The Blood Moon of Winter?
CC: My mind and my characters were my inspiration. I didn’t plan or plot anything. I sat down and started writing and let the words take control. I refused to allow myself to think about what I was putting on the pages. If I thought too hard while working, I would lose where the story was going. When that happened, I would have to stop and do something else for awhile. I’d go back to the book with an open mind and just pick back up where I left off and lose myself in the story. I let the characters write themselves.

PYN: Is there any book on the market that is comparable to your story?
CC: I’ve been told by every reader so far that my story is completely unique, at least compared to all the books that they have read. I’ve personally never read anything of it’s like.

Read the entire interview here.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Interview with Indie Books Blog

The Blood Moon of Winter - Courtney Conant

Born and raised in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, Courtney Conant began writing at a very young age and was very passionate about it. Since moving to Arizona at age 16, she took a long break from it as she seemed to have hit a very long period of writer's block. She began writing again in 2008, due to finding NaNoWriMo which is an amazing contest/challenge for anyone needing that extra motivation. Since then, she has completed her first novel and has started work on the sequel.
eBook Description:
Upon the discovery that the world in her dreams is actually real, Lilyana is torn by indecision. She is the only one who can save the dying land of Makayra. Yet, to do so, she must leave all she has ever known. She must choose whether her new found love is enough to keep her from performing a duty that has been thrust upon her.
Q: What will e-readers like about your book?
It is a unique tale, bringing in alternate realities and a blend of modern times mixed with ancient mythology.
Q: Why did you go indie?
After being told by many publishers and agents that the concept of my book was sound and interesting but not long enough for them, I decided to go my own way. There was no way to lengthen the story without changing it in an integral way.
Q: Who are your favorite authors in your genre?
Terry Brooks and Charles De Lint are my two favorites when it comes to Paranormal/Urban Fantasy writers.
Read the entire interview here.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Interview with Eileen Andrews
Eileen runs the Writer's Lair Project and gave me a chance to be a part of it. Find out more about the WLP HERE.

What’s the most important thing about your writing environment? Does it change regularly? Or do you require consistency?

There aren’t many things that I find important, when it comes to my writing environment. I only require good classical music, my computer and easy access to coffee. My environment doesn’t change much. The only recent change was installing a coffee station at my desk. Thanks to that, it gives me one less reason to leave my office.

Do you have a writing talisman? Something to jump you into writing?

My talisman is my gargoyle. He has sat at my side every step of the way, while writing. I think he is my little inspiration. My other talisman is my cat, Monkey. He never leaves my side when I’m in my office working. He lies at my feet, most times, keeping them nice and warm.


Are you an evening or a daytime writer? What’s your writing schedule like?

I write whenever the mood strikes me. I’ve found myself out having drinks with a friend when a thought for my next chapter struck me. I pulled out my cell phone and started working on it right there. I don’t have a schedule, and am glad for it. I tried working by a schedule in the past and found myself unable to focus and what came out was all scrapped.

Are you a pantster or a plotter? What do you like about your method?

I’m definitely what you would call a pantster. I’ve never been able to write, when I’ve already plotted out my stories. Each time I would try, I’d get bored with it. Plotting feels like I’m cheating the characters of something exciting that may come. I like to let the characters write themselves. I like to think of myself not as their creator but as their voice. I barely remember writing my first novel as it went so fast. It was almost as if it was a story being told to me and I was just writing it down.

Read the entire interview here.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Interview with Melissa from WereVamps Romance Reviews and Book Club

PhotobucketFirst off congratulations on your release of The Blood Moon of Winter!  

Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m a quirky, introverted, nerdy girl. That’s putting it in simple terms. I’ve been writing my whole life. I used to be a musician, having been classically trained on several instruments, but haven’t picked one up in years. Most of my time is spent at work, whether in the office or at home.
Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
I started reading around the age of three and loved it. As soon as I learned to write, within a year of starting to read, I was never seen without a pencil and a notepad. I was drawn to it. I don’t think there has ever been a time that I did NOT want to write.
I have a nice time chatting with you on Twitter. In 140 characters or less, sum The Blood Moon of Winter for us.
After a startling discovery, Lilyana slowly transforms into the Goddess she is, leaving her to choose between love and saving a dying land.
Now this is your debut book. What surprised you the most about the writing/publishing process?
I didn’t really have any surprises because I went into it with zero knowledge and absolutely no preconceived notions of how things would go. I had hopes that the process would be smooth and simple, yet knew better. It’s a tough road and I’m glad that I kept an open mind about the whole thing. I think it has made it easier.
What were your inspirations for creating a story of an unknown goddess of Makayra?
The only real inspiration that I’ve had (which I shared in my novel) was from Jacqueline Carey. She is one of my favorite authors. Reading her novels is what finally drove me to write my own. Because of that, I gave her an honorable mention in my book. She and I exchanged a couple of emails regarding it and I was even able to send her a copy of my novel once it was published. I can only hope that she reads it and enjoys it.
Most people will/have probably found this book to be a “quick read”, how long did it take you to write it, and did you have any writer’s block along the way?
 I dealt with writer’s block for 10 years before finally writing this novel. It was a long dry spell but the word pool flooded and finally broke the wall. After that happened, I wrote the novel in 17 days. Once I started, I couldn’t stop until it was done. I only left my computer to go to work, and even then, I snuck in some writing time here and there. I’m still amazed at the whole process. I spent about 8-10hrs each day just writing. After writing the novel, I realized that it’s crazy how it took about 200hrs to write the book plus countless hours trying to edit it, and yet it only takes less than 10hrs to read it.

Read the entire interview here.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Interview with Mary Beeson

Just a couple randoms to start

Favorite Color?

Lucky Number?
13, It's the day I was born and has always been lucky for me.

Habits that help and habits that hurt your writing.
Having coffee on hand at all times seems to help. I have a coffee maker on my desk just so that I don't have to get up!
Having someone else around when I'm trying to work definitely hurts. I find myself easily distracted, even if the person isn't in the room with me.

What words or phrases do you tend to over use.
'Just' is a big one. I had to keep going back and deleting that word over and over. I know I used it way too much and don't want to take a guess at how many times it is used in the book.

The Blood Moon Of Winter

Taking the quote "I love books because they are easier than people.", do you find this to be true with you?
I don't know many readers that wouldn't agree with that statement. Characters in a book are easier to understand. Most times, you can see inside their heads or get a true feel for how and who they truly are. If only real people were that easy.

Wine seems to be mentioned a lot. Are you a wine fan or is wine going to be an underlying theme?
Oh I love wine. I toured around New Zealand a few years back, going to the wineries and several tastings. I rarely drink it but am definitely a fan.

When I write I am picky about important dates. Does January 2nd mean something to you?
Actually, the date itself didn’t have meaning. I was trying to find (based on the calendar) dates that coincided with Christmas Eve and New Years Eve being on a Friday. Going by that, I was able to discerne that in 2010 that would happen. So I used those dates. I found it rather strange that this year, we actually experienced a blood moon only 2 days after I called it out in my book. And no, I did not know back in 2008 that it would happen.

Read the entire interview here.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Review/Interview with Emily Rae Robles
(The review portion has been split from the interview.)

Reading the novel also gives the reader a glimpse into the invisible character of Conant herself.  An avid reader, Conant admits that many of Lilyana’s characteristics ended up being unintentional representations of her own self.  Coming from a childhood that voraciously absorbed the imaginary worlds created by literature, Conant aims to bring her readers into a world that will capture their interest in the same way hers was captured as a child.  The life of Lilyana, who is torn between newfound love in one world and newfound purpose in another, will resonate with readers who often feel torn between the real world and the world created by literature.

Unlike most fictional worlds that take ages to invent, Conant’s flowed out of her like a story that needed to be told.  A writer since the prodigious age of four, Conant’s writing came to an abrupt halt at 16 when her entire body of works was burned up in a fire.  From that time until she began work on The Blood Moon Of Winter, Conant suffered severe writer’s block.  It wasn’t until she discovered NaNoWriMo (an annual contest where writers attempt to write a full 50,000 word novel over the course of the month of November) that her creative juices began to flow freely again.

With a newfound motivation to write, Conant began with one sentence and watched, shocked, as that sentence transformed not into just any book, but a book that contained worlds within it.  As the plot progressed, she thought she was writing chick lit, but suddenly a fantasy plot appeared, seemingly out of nowhere.  This unexpected shift of genre left Conant astonished at the power of unknown creativity and leaves readers astonished at the power of integrated genres.  By crossing the gap between two genres, the story of Lilyana becomes even more compelling, speaking to an even wider audience.

Read the entire interview/review here.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Coming soon...

Keep an eye out for more upcoming interviews and guest blog appearances.

I will be featured at the end of this month in Eileen Andrews'  Writer's Lair Project. You can find out more about my writing, where it's done and how it all works.

I get to be part of R. A. Evans' 7 Deadly Questions, in the near future.
Interview with From the Shadows

Guest Author Interview: Courtney Conant

Please welcome today's guest author Courtney Conant!  Courtney is the author of The Blood Moon of Winter.

EJ:  When did you begin writing?

I started writing around the age of four. I was instantly drawn to it from almost the moment that I began reading. Something about the written word made me feel motivated. Writing seemed almost a necessity for me. I hit a major road block in my writing when all that I had written for over fourteen years was burned down in a house fire. It took almost ten years for me to get back into the swing of things. The first thing that I wrote upon the break of my writer’s block was this novel!

EJ:  What brought you to the paranormal genre?

  It was purely by accident. I was always a fan of the genre but had never tried writing it. I started writing my novel, only knowing the opening sentence. The novel just sort of wrote itself and turned into what it is today!

Read the entire interview here.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I was interviewed by Dina Santorelli as a debut author for her blog. She surprised me by posting it up today.

Meet Courtney Conant

A hearty welcome to Courtney Conant, today’s featured debut author and a new voice in the paranormal/urban fantasy genre. There’s a book giveaway going on right now for Courtney’s book, The Blood Moon of Winter, over at Goodreads, but you have to act fast! The promotion ends February 17, 2011.

Name: Courtney Conant
Name of book: The Blood Moon of Winter
Book genre: Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
Date published: January 28, 2011
Self-publisher: CreateSpace

What is your book about?
Upon discovering the world in her dreams is actually real, Lilyana is torn by indecision. She is the only one who can save the dying land of Makayra. Yet, to do so, she must leave all she has ever known. She must choose whether her new found love is enough to keep her from performing a duty that has been thrust upon her. To quote one of my reviewers, “The Blood Moon of Winter is an imaginative tale that blends reality with fantasy, darkness with light, and the underlying need to follow one’s heart no matter where it leads.”

What was the most challenging part of the writing process?
Making myself stop and sleep! Once I started writing it, I couldn’t stop. The story just kept coming, and I was afraid that if I stopped, I’d lose what was coming next.

Read the full interview here.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Live Twitterview by Emlyn Chand

Thursday, February 10th was my first interview with Emlyn Chand. It was fun to participate in a live interview, being asked questions by followers. Emlyn is an author and blogger and Twitterviewer. She asked some tough questions, made even more difficult by requiring answers to fit in one tweet.