Monday, April 25, 2011

Recently I did a radio interview with the ladies from ParaYourNormal. It was a lot of fun. Just press play to find out more.

Listen to internet radio with ParaYourNormal on Blog Talk Radio

Monday, April 4, 2011

Interview with ParaYourNormal

Hey everybody! Welcome back to another ParaYourNormal author interview. Today we are talking with Courtney Conant, author of The Blood Moon of Winter. This is a page turning, paranormal/fantasy romance that we're sure  you're going to love.

Courtney is feeling generous with her book and is giving away four eBook copies to some lucky people who leave us a comment. Make sure you leave your email address at the end of your comment so we know how to reach you to deliver your prize. Now, for the interview.


PYN: What inspired you to start writing?
CC: I started reading around the age of 3. I guess I figured that if someone else could do it, so could I. I couldn't resist, as I had a very active imagination. Writing is just something I’ve always done (except when dealing with writer’s block…) and always will do.

PYN: What is your creative process like, do you have goals per day, or do you write when you’re inspired?
CC:There doesn’t seem to be much of a process. The only thing that I require is a comfy seat, candy and a good bottle of wine. If I’m comfortable, then I know I can relax and let the words flow naturally as opposed to trying to force them out just to meet a word count goal.

PYN: Do you reward yourself when you meet word count or chapter goals?
CC: When I was writing The Blood Moon of Winter, I promised myself that if I could finish it, then I could do anything. My goal was to finish the book and then move on to my next goal in life. I had always wanted to run a half marathon but never did. I always put it off. My treat to myself was to achieve that next goal. As soon as I finished the book, I started training and a month later, I succeeded in running 13.1 miles.  I know it seems like a strange treat, but it was a big one for me!

PYN: What inspired the storyline of The Blood Moon of Winter?
CC: My mind and my characters were my inspiration. I didn’t plan or plot anything. I sat down and started writing and let the words take control. I refused to allow myself to think about what I was putting on the pages. If I thought too hard while working, I would lose where the story was going. When that happened, I would have to stop and do something else for awhile. I’d go back to the book with an open mind and just pick back up where I left off and lose myself in the story. I let the characters write themselves.

PYN: Is there any book on the market that is comparable to your story?
CC: I’ve been told by every reader so far that my story is completely unique, at least compared to all the books that they have read. I’ve personally never read anything of it’s like.

Read the entire interview here.