Monday, March 21, 2011

Interview with Indie Books Blog

The Blood Moon of Winter - Courtney Conant

Born and raised in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, Courtney Conant began writing at a very young age and was very passionate about it. Since moving to Arizona at age 16, she took a long break from it as she seemed to have hit a very long period of writer's block. She began writing again in 2008, due to finding NaNoWriMo which is an amazing contest/challenge for anyone needing that extra motivation. Since then, she has completed her first novel and has started work on the sequel.
eBook Description:
Upon the discovery that the world in her dreams is actually real, Lilyana is torn by indecision. She is the only one who can save the dying land of Makayra. Yet, to do so, she must leave all she has ever known. She must choose whether her new found love is enough to keep her from performing a duty that has been thrust upon her.
Q: What will e-readers like about your book?
It is a unique tale, bringing in alternate realities and a blend of modern times mixed with ancient mythology.
Q: Why did you go indie?
After being told by many publishers and agents that the concept of my book was sound and interesting but not long enough for them, I decided to go my own way. There was no way to lengthen the story without changing it in an integral way.
Q: Who are your favorite authors in your genre?
Terry Brooks and Charles De Lint are my two favorites when it comes to Paranormal/Urban Fantasy writers.
Read the entire interview here.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Interview with Eileen Andrews
Eileen runs the Writer's Lair Project and gave me a chance to be a part of it. Find out more about the WLP HERE.

What’s the most important thing about your writing environment? Does it change regularly? Or do you require consistency?

There aren’t many things that I find important, when it comes to my writing environment. I only require good classical music, my computer and easy access to coffee. My environment doesn’t change much. The only recent change was installing a coffee station at my desk. Thanks to that, it gives me one less reason to leave my office.

Do you have a writing talisman? Something to jump you into writing?

My talisman is my gargoyle. He has sat at my side every step of the way, while writing. I think he is my little inspiration. My other talisman is my cat, Monkey. He never leaves my side when I’m in my office working. He lies at my feet, most times, keeping them nice and warm.


Are you an evening or a daytime writer? What’s your writing schedule like?

I write whenever the mood strikes me. I’ve found myself out having drinks with a friend when a thought for my next chapter struck me. I pulled out my cell phone and started working on it right there. I don’t have a schedule, and am glad for it. I tried working by a schedule in the past and found myself unable to focus and what came out was all scrapped.

Are you a pantster or a plotter? What do you like about your method?

I’m definitely what you would call a pantster. I’ve never been able to write, when I’ve already plotted out my stories. Each time I would try, I’d get bored with it. Plotting feels like I’m cheating the characters of something exciting that may come. I like to let the characters write themselves. I like to think of myself not as their creator but as their voice. I barely remember writing my first novel as it went so fast. It was almost as if it was a story being told to me and I was just writing it down.

Read the entire interview here.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Interview with Melissa from WereVamps Romance Reviews and Book Club

PhotobucketFirst off congratulations on your release of The Blood Moon of Winter!  

Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m a quirky, introverted, nerdy girl. That’s putting it in simple terms. I’ve been writing my whole life. I used to be a musician, having been classically trained on several instruments, but haven’t picked one up in years. Most of my time is spent at work, whether in the office or at home.
Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
I started reading around the age of three and loved it. As soon as I learned to write, within a year of starting to read, I was never seen without a pencil and a notepad. I was drawn to it. I don’t think there has ever been a time that I did NOT want to write.
I have a nice time chatting with you on Twitter. In 140 characters or less, sum The Blood Moon of Winter for us.
After a startling discovery, Lilyana slowly transforms into the Goddess she is, leaving her to choose between love and saving a dying land.
Now this is your debut book. What surprised you the most about the writing/publishing process?
I didn’t really have any surprises because I went into it with zero knowledge and absolutely no preconceived notions of how things would go. I had hopes that the process would be smooth and simple, yet knew better. It’s a tough road and I’m glad that I kept an open mind about the whole thing. I think it has made it easier.
What were your inspirations for creating a story of an unknown goddess of Makayra?
The only real inspiration that I’ve had (which I shared in my novel) was from Jacqueline Carey. She is one of my favorite authors. Reading her novels is what finally drove me to write my own. Because of that, I gave her an honorable mention in my book. She and I exchanged a couple of emails regarding it and I was even able to send her a copy of my novel once it was published. I can only hope that she reads it and enjoys it.
Most people will/have probably found this book to be a “quick read”, how long did it take you to write it, and did you have any writer’s block along the way?
 I dealt with writer’s block for 10 years before finally writing this novel. It was a long dry spell but the word pool flooded and finally broke the wall. After that happened, I wrote the novel in 17 days. Once I started, I couldn’t stop until it was done. I only left my computer to go to work, and even then, I snuck in some writing time here and there. I’m still amazed at the whole process. I spent about 8-10hrs each day just writing. After writing the novel, I realized that it’s crazy how it took about 200hrs to write the book plus countless hours trying to edit it, and yet it only takes less than 10hrs to read it.

Read the entire interview here.